Mauro Mantovani, "L'analogia 'tomista': tra fonti, interpretazioni e nuove richerche." Salesianum 84/3 (2022) 433-460.
The following bibliography is from his note 3.
F.A. Blance, L'analogie," Revue de Philosophie 23 (1923) 248-271.
N. Balthasar, "L'abstraction et l'analogie de l'être," Estudios Franciscanos 34 (1924) 166-216.
R. McInerny, Studies in Analogy (The Hague: Nijhoff, 1968).
S.M. Ramírez, De analogia, 4 vols. Madrid: CSIC, 1970-1972.
P. Secretan, L'analogie. Paris: PUF, 1984.
B. Pinchard, Métaphysique et sémantique (la signification analogiques des termes dan les principes mathématiques). Paris: Vrin, 1987.
E. Przywara. Analogia entis. Paris: PUF, 1990.
A. de Murault. Néoplatonisme et aristotélisme dans la métaphysique médiévale. Analogie, causalité, participation. Paris: Vrin, 1995.
R.M.W. Stamberger. On analogy. An Essay Historical and Systematic. New York: P. Lang, 1995.
V. Melchiorre. La via analogica. Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 1996.
J. Gambra, La analogia en general. Síntesis tomista de Santiago Ramírez. Pamplona: Eunsa, 2002. 20-70.
J.F. Courtine. Inventio analogiae. Métaphysique et ontothéologie. Paris: Vrin, 2005.
A. Pérez de Laborda, ed. Jornada sobre analogía. Madrid: Publicaciones de la Facultad de Teología "San Dámaso", 2006.
T. Tyn. Metafisica della sostanza. Partecipazione e analogia entis. Verona: Fede & Cultura, 2009.
F. Moretti. Il pensiero di Dio. L'analogia nella teologia occidentale. Milano: Mimesis, 2019.
M. Beuchot Puente. "Acerca de una hermenéutica analógica," Per la filosofia. Filosofia e insegnamento 37 (2020) n. 108, 119-127.
Mantovani's own book is in the press:
M. Mantovani. L'analogia tomista nell'interpretazione di alcuni autori della cosidetta 'seconda Scolastica'. to be published.
He has other bibliography in the rest of the article; I guess these are the "new" interpretions he mentions in the title of his article. I noticed abundant references to A. Alessi. J.F. Wippel, L.B. Geiger (1942), C. Fabro (2005), A. Contat (2017), B. Mondin, and Klubertanz (2009) are also mentioned.
See my own article, which contains a slightly different bibliography, deriving probably from Henrici's course at the Greg (cited in the article).
Ivo Coelho,“Analogy.” ACPI Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Ed. Johnson J. Puthenpurackal. Bangalore: Asian Trading Corporation, 2010. 1:64-68.
Benedict XVI: the doctrine of analogy of St Thomas is the basis for any human discourse about divinity. Audiene of 16 June 2010. (Mantovani 460)
B. Mondin: the Thomist doctrine of analogy is of perennial value. contemporary scholars of religious language (Ramsey, Ferré, Mascall, Bochenski) show that it is the best response to the positivists, existentialists, linguistic analysts, who claim that religious language has no objective signification or meaning. (Mantovani 460)
[Missing ... the author I used in Philosophy of God... what's his name. The chap of the three fortresses.]
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