Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Panikkar and Heidegger

It seems to me that Panikkar is drawing heavily from Heidegger, especially from his critique of Being as presence, his attack on Substance, and his critique of onto-theology; but Panikkar himself seems to opt for a more 'clearly' 'theistic' - or 'religious' - position than Heidegger himself.


  1. Hello Fr. Coelho,

    I'm glad you're enjoying the book. I've read it once and, obviously, need to read it a second time, the first time being a rushed reading, so excited I was to read him.

    A review I read compared the book to a symphonic concert. I agree with the proviso that one must adds one own melody to what he wrote. The gaps and leaps must be done by each reader. I think it's reminiscent of good jazz improvisation.

    Michel Vasquez

    I am slowly reading Brahma and Person. Thank you for the copy.

  2. Hi Michel, nice hearing from you.
    I am now in Jerusalem, as rector of our international theological seminary here. Quite a different cup of tea in some ways. I miss most especially our library in Nashik.

  3. Hello Fr. Coelho,

    Have you visited the Tantur Ecumenical Centre?

    Donal Nicholl, a professor I had when an undergraduate, was rector from 1981-1985. He wrote a book about his experiences, The Testing of Hearts. Donald Nicholl was deceptively easy to read but underneath that style were some profound insights based on deep spirituality.

    I hope you're enjoying your post.


  4. No, I have not yet. But I've passed it several times on the way to Bethlehem. Did you know that our theologate (which is now at Ratisbonne) used to be in Tantur?
    Will look up Donal Nicholl.
